Child Support
Both parents, by law, are responsible for supporting their children financially. In a divorce, parents can decide to support their children without the court’s involvement. Other times, the court may need to step in and issue a child-support order if both parents cannot agree.
A parent may have to pay an amount for child support per the court’s order. This is to cover the children’s living and/or education expenses. As often the case, the amount is paid to the parent who takes care of the children and is based on each parent’s income.
Most pertinently, the order for child support will lay out the parent’s financial responsibility while it can also mandate deductions from paychecks.
Ending child support
Paying child support can end when the children turn 19 or graduate from high school. The duty will also end when they get married, start a partnership, enter the military, or die. On the other hand, the duty can continue if the children become disabled or if both parents would like to carry on the support.
Calculating Child Support
In calculating child support, the courts take into consideration: 1) each parent’s income, 2) each parent’s income taxes, 3) the amount of time each parent spends with the children, and 4) other considerations.
File for a child support order
Filing for a child support order requires an active case of divorce with children or child custody in California. If you have, Legal Document Services can help you to file the paperwork for child support request with the court.
Request change to the child support order
A request to change the existing order is possible if the paying parent is now making less money or getting laid off, the receiving parent is making more money, or more time is being spent with the children. At Legal Document Services, we will help you to fill out and file the request for change with the court to reduce the child support amount that you are paying.
Respond to a child support order
Prompt response to a child support order is important to ensure that no default judgment is made against you. We at Legal Document Service will help you to respond to the child support order promptly.