Call No. : 714-851-5236 / Mail Address :

Child Support

At your own choosing, we will help you to prepare any of the following legal documents:

  • Summons and Complaint or Supplemental Complaint Regarding Parental Obligations (Governmental)
  • Notice and Acknowledgment of Receipt
  • Answer to Complaint or Supplemental Complaint Regarding Parental Obligations (Governmental)
  • Information Sheet for Service of Process
  • Stipulation for Judgement or Supplemental Judgement Regarding Parental Obligations and Judgement
  • Declaration for Amended Proposed Judgement
  • Request for Dismissal
  • Request to Enter Default Judgement
  • Stipulation and Order
  • Stipulation and Order Waiving Unassigned Arrears
  • Order for Genetic (Parentage) Testing
  • Judgement Regarding Parental Obligations
  • Notice Regarding Payment of Support
  • Notice of Change of Responsibility for Managing Child Support Case
  • Notice of Entry of Judgement and Proof of Service by Mail
  • Notice and Motion to Cancel (Set Aside) Support Order Based on Presumed Income
  • Information Sheet for Notice and Motion to Cancel (Set Aside) Support Order Based on Presumed Income
  • Declaration of Obligor’s Income During Judgement Period- Presumed Income Set-Aside Request
  • Notice to Local Child Support Agency of Intent to Take Independent Action to Enforce Support Order
  • Response of Local Child Support Agency to Notice of Intent to Take Independent Action to Enforce Support Order
  • Statement for Registration of CA Support Order
  • Notice of Registration of CA Support Order
  • Ex Parte Motion by Local Child Support Agency and Declaration for Joinder of Other Parent
  • Notice of Motion and Declaration for Joinder of Other Parent in Governmental Action
  • Information Sheet for Notice of Motion and Declaration for Joinder of Other Parent in Governmental Action
  • Responsive Declaration to Motion for Joinder of Other Parent- Consent Order Of Joinder
  • Information Sheet for Responsive Declaration to Motion for Joinder of Other Parent- Consent Order of Joinder
  • Stipulation and Order for Joinder of Other Parent
  • Findings and Recommendation of Commissioner
  • Notice of Objection
  • Review of Commissioner’s Findings of Fact and Recommendation
  • Notice of Motion for Judicial Review of License Denial
  • Order After Judicial Review of License Denial
  • Request for Determination of Support Arrears
  • Notice of Opposition and Notice of Motion on Claim of Exemption
  • Order Determining Claim of Exemption or Third-Party Claim
  • Notice of Motion
  • Order to Show Cause
  • Request for Order and Supporting Declarations
  • Response to Governmental Notice of Motion or Order to Show Cause
  • Proof of Service by Mail
  • Order After Hearing
  • Short Form Order After Hearing
  • Minutes and Order or Judgement
  • Guidelines Findings Attachment
  • Advisement and Waiver of Rights for Stipulation
  • Declaration for Default or Uncontested Judgement
  • Petition- Marriage/Domestic Partnership
  • Proof of Service of Summon
  • Income and Expense Declaration
  • Child Support Case Registry Form
  • Notice of Rights and Responsibilities (Health-Care Costs and Reimbursement Procedures)
  • Income Withholding for Support
  • Petition to Determine Parental Relationship (Uniform Parentage)
  • Summons (Uniform Parentage- Petition for Custody and Support)
  • Response to Petition to Determine Parental Relationship (Uniform Parentage)
  • Petition for Custody and Support of Minor Children
  • Response to Petition for Custody and Support of Minor Children
  • Request for Order
  • Declaration Regarding Notice and Service of Request for Temporary Emergency (Ex Parte) Orders
  • Temporary Emergency (Ex Parte) Orders
  • Request to Reschedule Hearing (Family Law- Governmental- Uniform Parentage- Custody and Support)
  • Request to Research Hearing Involving Temporary Emergency (Ex Parte) Orders (Family Law- Governmental- Uniform Parentage- Custody and Support)
  • Agreement and Order to Reschedule Hearing (Family Law- Governmental- Uniform Parentage- Custody and Support)
  • Order on Request to Reschedule Hearing (Family Law- Governmental- Uniform Parentage- Custody and Support)
  • Responsive Declaration to Request to Reschedule Hearing (Family Law- Governmental- Uniform Parentage- Custody and Support)
  • Responsive Declaration to Request for Order
  • Proof of Personal Service
  • Findings and Order After Hearing
  • Stipulation to Establish or Modify Child Support and Order
  • Judgement
  • Stipulation for Entry of Judgement Re: Determination of Parental Relationship
  • Judgement (Uniform Parentage- Custody and Support)
  • Declaration Regarding Address Verification- Post-judgment Request to Modify a Child Custody, Visitation, or Child Support Order
  • Child Support Information and Order Attachment
  • Non-Guideline Support Findings
  • Confidential Request for Special Immigrant Juvenile Findings- Family Law
  • Application for Expedited Child Support Order
  • Response to Application for Expedited Child Support Order and Notice of Hearing
  • Expedited Child Support Order
  • Notice of Motion and Motion for Simplified Modification of Order for Child, Spousal, or Family Support
  • Responsive Declaration to Motion for Simplified Modification of Order for Child, Spousal, or Family Support
  • Notice of Activation of Military Service and Deployment and Request to Modify a Support Order
  • Order for Child Support Security Deposit and Evidence of Deposit
  • Application for Disbursement and Order for Disbursement from Child Support Security Deposit
  • Stay of Service of Earning Assignment and Order
  • Qualified Domestic Relations Order for Support (Earnings Assignment Order for Support)
  • Notice of Delinquency
  • Summons
  • Judgement Regarding Parental Obligations
  • Child Support Order Jurisdictional Attachment
  • Joint Petition for Summary Dissolution
  • No Provision for Support
  • Parentage Inquiry
  • Earnings Withholding Order for Support


We will help you to navigate:

  • Financial Statement

We will provide you with legal information on:

  • Legal Steps for a Divorce or Legal Separation
  • How to Reschedule a Hearing in Family Court
  • Income Withholding for Support Instructions
  • Information Sheet for Request for Order (Family Law)
  • Responsive Declaration to Request for Order
  • Simplified Way to Change Child, Spousal, or Family Support
  • How to Oppose a Request to Change Child, Spousal, or Family Support


Toddler's hands, coverd in paint from finger painting, held up with their fingers forming the shape of a heart
